Vote for Green Business App!

Mayor Buckhorn has started a Hack-a-Thon in an effort to gain citizen feedback on app’s that would have a positive impact on our city.  Our sustainable business app idea is currently #5!  If you have an idea (or would like to vote on ours!) please use this link to submit and vote.

Here is the Sustainable Business App idea from the Mayor’s web site.

Tells me about the sustainable measures a company is taking.

-I enter the name and address of a Tampa business.
The app tells me:
-how much electricity, gas, and water they consume
-how much waste they produce
-if the company has made any specific green enhancements (ie. implements use of renewable resources)

This would give sustainable-minded consumers an opportunity to make more conscientious decisions with their dollar vote.

Sustainable measures not only help the environment but also help companies increase their bottom line through better operational efficiency. This puts more dollars back into their business; thereby keeping stakeholders employed and building a better economy for Tampa.

Use this link to submit your vote!